Do I have to use a GoGreen Home contractor? What if I do the installation myself?

In order to qualify for a GoGreen Home loan, most energy measures must be installed by an enrolled GoGreen Home contractor. There are some exceptions; you are not required to use a GoGreen Home contractor when:

  • The energy measure is identified as “Eligible for Self-Install” on the Eligible Energy Measures table. This includes appliances, lighting measures, smart thermostats and several other measures.
  • The work is for measures that are legally or practically necessary to install an energy measure, such as an electrical panel upgrade.
  • The work is for additional home improvements not related to energy measures, such as remodeling or landscaping.

Your GoGreen Home loan may include both self-installable measures and measures that require installation by a GoGreen Home contractor. Enrolled GoGreen Home Contractors are listed on the Find a Contractor page.