Diablo Valley

  • No closing costs, no annual fees
  • No collateral required
  • Preapproved generally within one business day
  • Fees: $5 (initial required credit union membership deposit – returned when account is closed)
  • 100% financing (no cash needed)
  • Renters: $2,500 – $15,000 up to 7 years
  • Customer service in Spanish is available
  • Available to anyone who lives, works, worships or goes to school in Central Costa County (i.e., Alamo, Blackhawk, Clayton, Concord, Danville, Lafayette, Martinez, Moraga, Orinda, Pacheco, Pleasant Hill, San Ramon, or Walnut Creek)

—Energy upgrades (non-solar)

  • APR:
    • 1 – 60 months 3.75% – 7.99%
    • 61 – 120 months 4.75% – 8.99%
    • 121 – 180 months 5.75% – 7.85%
  • Loan amount: $2,500 – $50,000
  • Term: Up to 15 years
    • Borrowers with FICO 600 +: Up to 15 years
    • Borrowers with FICO 580 – 599: Up to 10 years